Hang out with the Goat

We have taken our online assistance… online!

Wait a minute; that didn’t sound quite right.

What we mean by that is that we are now scheduling a regular half-hour Google+ Hangout Fridays at noon (Eastern time). We’ll cover one or more topics relevant to your having an outstanding online presence and website. There will also be time for questions and answers.

We’ll cover issues relating to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), online marketing, WordPress, coping with technology, online reputation management, local SEO, cloud services, email marketing, social media and much more.

Did we mention it is totally free?

Visit this page for our next GoatCloud hangout.

And you can visit this page for past GoatCloud hangouts.

We look forwarding to “hanging out” with you!

Photo: Untitled by Cait_Stewart, on Flickr

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