Affordable, Reliable Website Hosting

Let us be your gracious host.

We want to be your gracious (website) host.

We offer excellent and economic packages for website owners of all stripes. For those who want to host and maintain an up-to-date WordPress site without actually having to worry about all the software updates, we can take care of all that for you! If you are a died-in-the-wool do-it-yourself-er, well we have a basic affordable package for you, too.

We offer a money back guarantee. Try it for a month. If you don’t like our service, you can cancel. No questions asked.

Check out our discount annual pricing below.

Managed 3d Party Host

We manage but don't host your site.
  • Up to 10 Gig Storage
  • Up to 100 Gig Bandwidth/mo
  • Up to 3 add-on domains
  • SSL Certificate
  • Regular backups
  • WordPress updates
  • Security updates
  • Routine site maintenance and problem solving
  • Ask us about pricing for larger, e-commerce, membership, forum or otherwise more complex sites.

Which plan is right for me?

Managed WordPress is the no worries approach for those who would rather spend time on their business (or with their family) than worrying about the website. We will make sure your website software is current. We will back it up regularly and make sure that effective security software is in place and up to date.

Managed WordPress Third Party Hosting.  If you’d rather host your WordPress website somewhere else, we can still manage it for you, for about $24 a month.  Click here to learn more about our WordPress website maintenance package.

What about email? We offer business class email hosting @ $30/yr per account. We also encourage you to take a look at G Suite from Google, which offers not only top flight email, but calendaring and document sharing services as well.

If you’re needing someone to develop your online presence, we charge reasonable fees to do that, too.

Our terms of service are here.

*Uh oh. Asterisk language. Discount pricing is based on purchasing an annual package. Current discounted rate is $338/yr for hosting plus maintenance and $289/yr for maintenance only. You can also pay our regular price with a monthly subscription, but you won’t receive the discount, as follows: Managed WordPress Hosting, $35/mo; Managed WordPress with 3d Party Host, $25/mo. E-Commerce and Membership sites cost roughly $100 more per year at the discounted annual rate.

Photo credit: Server room by torkildr, on Flickr

Do you need reliable, affordable website hosting? Contact us today about our top-notch, reasonably-priced hosting services.

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