Everything I Needed to Know about Having a Successful Online Presence I Learned in My Pajamas | Webinar

Learn Internet Basics in Your Pajamas

Finally, a critical online training session I can do in my pajamas

Learn Internet Basics in Your Pajamas

Learn Internet Basics in Your Pajamas

SEO. Social media. Website v. blog. Local search. Cloud computing. Does all this make you want to yell, “Help!”?

Well help is here.

  • Learn Internet marketing basics and why they are important, if not essential, to develop and grow a business or promote a non-profit of any size.
  • Understand techniques to enhance your online presence as a means of increasing marketing opportunities and generating business.
  • We will also identify free or nominal cost reliable online services to enhance one’s online profile.

The informative, entertaining presentation will enable participants to tackle an online presence as a “do-it-yourself-er”, or to know what questions to ask a potential vendor.

This free, no-obligation 45 minute webinar is taking place Friday, February 1, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. right on your very own computer with Internet access (you see, we need a way for our tubes to connect with your tubes — and if you don’t get that Internet joke, do an internet search for “series of tubes”).

Here’s the scoop. You better register now because there are only ten spots available. That’s right, only ten.

And if you login to the webcast from home in your pajamas, we promise we won’t tell anybody. Well, truth be told, we won’t even know.

Register for the mind-blowing “Everything I Needed to Know about Having a Successful Online Presence I Learned in My Pajamas” webcast rah’cheer.