Local Business Citations Information Collection

Help us to help you get found locally.

In order to disseminate information about your business, we need the basic information about your business. Makes sense, right? Please complete the form below fully so that we may assist you to spread the word about the great work you do!

Local Business Citations Information
The name of your business as it appears in the real world. Do not include any keywords in your business title for SEO purposes; this may cause your listing to be rejected by certain search engines. Certain search engines may cut your business name off at 60 characters.
The physical street address of your business. Maximum 68 characters. PO boxes are not allowed. Include additional address information like suite numbers and other qualifiers in Address line 2.
This field is for non-essential address information including suite numbers or other qualifiers. Maximum 20 characters.
The city where your business is located. Maximum 28 characters.
The state or province in which your business is located. For U.S. locations, use the two-digit United States Postal Service abbreviation.
The postal code for the location of your business. For U.S. locations, use the five-digit United States Postal Service zip code.
Your business location's primary direct contact number. Local phone numbers only. Permissible characters are numbers, parentheses, spaces, and dashes.
The URL of the web page associated with your business location. If you have a page that's specific to the location you're submitting, use that URL instead of the website's general homepage.
Your business location's primary contact email address. Maximum 60 characters.
Your business's operating hours for a given day formatted in 12-hour or 24-hour format. Preferred format is 12-hour: HH:MMAM-HH:MMPM
Comma-separated (,) list of full URLs for up to five images to display with your listings. Display of images across the search engines in the Moz Local network may vary.
Comma-separated (,) list of the types of payment that your business accepts. Display of payment types across the search engines in the Moz Local network may vary.
The category that best describes your business. Click here to view the list of categories supported by Moz Local.
Click here to view the list of categories supported by Moz Local. You can submit up to four additional categories, separated by commas. Submit your categories in order of importance; Moz Local will automatically match your selected categories to the unique taxonomies of each search engine.
A description of your business. Plain text only; HTML is not supported. Superpages requires a description with a minimum of 250 characters.
These will automatically calculate the latitude and longitude of your business based on Address line 1. If you would like to manually override this automatic calculation, enter those values here. Example lat: 40.760779300707355. Example long.: -111.8910474004224
The colloquial name for the neighborhood in which your business is located.
Three options exist. Choose from the following: Brick and Mortar Service Area Home Based When possible, Moz Local will distribute locations marked as home-based businesses with Address line 1 and Address line 2 hidden to search engines that support this feature.
This option is for businesses whose location is enclosed by a larger building or business-for example, a mall or big-box retailer.
The full URL of an image containing the business's logo.
The Website field (mentioned above) should be used for the actual URL to which you'd like to direct visitors to each location. However, certain search engines allow you to display a “vanity URL” for marketing purposes, or to make the URL look shorter. Include such URLs in this field, including http://
Include comma-separated full URLs to primary social network accounts, if desired.
Comma-separated full URLs to menus, product lists, discount offers, or other files.
Comma-separated full URLs for videos, infographics, or other media files.
Comma-separated list of your business's certifications or specialties.
Comma-separated list of your business's most popular brands carried.
A brief statement of your business's claim to fame. This will be used as your business description on Foursquare. Maximum 150 characters.
Moz Local will automatically match your selected categories to the unique taxonomies of each search engine, in the order in which you submitted them. However, you also have the option to override this automatic matching at a given search engine using the Category Overrides field. To do so, please format a pipe-separated (|) list of categories as follows: searchengine:category1|searchengine1:category2|searchengine2:category1. List of search engines: infogroup acxiom localeze factual foursquare bing facebook superpages botw