WordPress Revamp for Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Attorney

Dec 5, 2023 | Portfolio

We are thrilled to unveil the newly revamped website for Patrice Brymner, a distinguished divorce mediator and collaborative attorney. This comprehensive overhaul aimed to enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of the site, ensuring it meets the high standards of professionalism and user experience that Patrice’s clients expect.

Project Overview

Client: Patrice Brymner, Divorce Mediator and Collaborative Attorney
Website: brymnerlaw.com


  • Create a modern, bold look
  • Ensure mobile-friendliness
  • Improve user experience and engagement

Key Features and Enhancements

  1. Modern and Bold Design Utilizing the Divi page builder theme, we gave the site a striking new look. The design emphasizes clarity and ease of navigation, reflecting Patrice’s commitment to providing clear and compassionate guidance to her clients.
  2. Mobile-Friendly Interface With a significant number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, it was crucial to ensure the site is fully responsive. The revamped site offers a seamless experience on all devices, whether users are on their phones, tablets, or desktops.
  3. Enhanced User Interaction
    • Schedule a Consultation: We embedded code on the “Schedule a Consultation” page that allows visitors to set up a free 15-minute consultation easily.
    • New Podcast Section: We introduced a dedicated section for Patrice’s “Mending Fences” podcast, co-hosted with Jennifer Hawthorne. This feature enriches the site with valuable content and fosters deeper engagement with visitors.
  4. Overhauled Pages Every page on the site was carefully updated to align with the new design and functionality standards. Content was refreshed to ensure clarity and relevance.
  5. New Contact Page and Form We designed a new contact page featuring a form protected by reCAPTCHA to prevent spam and ensure secure communication between potential clients and Patrice.
  6. Performance and Security Enhancements The site was placed on the Cloudflare content delivery network (CDN). This move significantly boosts performance by reducing load times and enhances security against potential threats.

Final Thoughts

The revamped website for Patrice Brymner showcases our dedication to delivering high-quality web solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. Whether you are looking for a professional divorce mediator or seeking insights from the “Mending Fences” podcast, the new brymnerlaw.com website provides an engaging and user-friendly experience.

Visit the new site: brymnerlaw.com

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