New WordPress website for Lifespace Senior Services

We recently partnered with Dream Digital to substantially redesigned the website of New York Capital Region-based elder care services provider Lifespace Senior Services.

The company is a rebrand for service provider Jude Rabig. We have been providing web development and web hosting services to Jude over the last four or five years. We have put together three websites for her. We love working with Jude!

The website seeks a more modern look. One of the important considerations was color. The logo includes a bold red and one has to be careful about color combinations that involve the color. Some colors paired with that red can be jarring, alarming even. Working with Jude, we chose some palette colors that conveyed calm. The message of the colors, aimed at the children of the elderly, is that they can feel comfortably relaxed that Lifespace Senior Services is there to help.

We also created a sign-up form that allows visitors to get information about a particular program offered by Lifespace Senior Services, as well as gives them an opportunity to sign up for the receipt of additional emails. Upon submitting the form the visitor is taken to a page where they can download content available to them. Providing valuable downloadable content is a common method used to obtain email addresses that can be used for later promotional activities.

Because Jude is also a hosting customer of GoatCloud, we made sure that this new website renders securely, at an HTTPS destination. HTTPS is essential for visitors and search engines alike. GoatCloud offers HTTPS to new hosting customers and new websites at no extra charge.

You can check out Lifespace Senior Services at

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