GoatCloud announces new “trash button” shopping experience

Mar 31, 2016 | Blog

Niskayuna New York (embargoed until April 1, 2016)

GoatCloud Communications LLC, an upstate New York tech company, announced today the release of an exciting new product meant to revolutionize the way people shop… for goats.

GoatCloud is releasing what it calls the Trash Button™. All a consumer needs to do is press on the Trash Button once, and within a day a goat will be delivered to his or her doorstep.

Cliff Rohde, owner of GoatCloud Communications, described the Trash Button as a revolutionary way to obtain the essentials in life. “Gone are the days,” said Rohde, “when you would have to wait sometimes up to a week to get a nice goat.”

The button (beta version pictured above) was designed with earth tones to remind people of their connection to nature and animals, said Rohde. Any resemblance to the Amazon Dash Button, which the Trash Button has no relation to, is purely coincidental.

While normally focusing on website development, search engine optimization, and online pay per click advertising, GoatCloud Communications, according to Rohde, is well poised to enter the consumer shopping space. “Who doesn’t need a goat?” asked Rohde somewhat rhetorically.

Rohde was quiet on whether a sheep, pig or cow button might be in the works. Watch the exciting announcement below.

Get your Trash Button™ today!

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