Like the majority of our clients, GoatCloud is a small business. So we believe in small business and do what we can to promote them.
As this holiday season is upon us, with everyone and their mother encouraging you to buy their products and services, here are some concrete
Steps you can take to promote your own small business and support others:
- Support and participate in Small Business Saturday. This shopping “holiday”, the Saturday after Thanksgiving and this year November 29, was launched by American Express in 2010 with the aim of promoting small businesses (and undoubtedly the use of American Express services). Here’s the Facebook page:
- Follow the movement on Twitter:
- On your social media accounts, use #ShopSmall and #SmallBizSat to promote the event and your own small business.
- The federal Small Business Administration supports the movement. Visit the website to learn its many ideas on how you can participate:
- If you’re a restaurant, you can use this image in your promotional materials:
- Join your local Chamber of Commerce. Chambers are populated with small business (some big business, too). Offer special deals to local members.
- Frequent other local small businesses, including those participating in Small Business Saturday:
- Get small: (go to 7:50)