Website enhancements for photographer Joe Mulone

We recently overhauled the WordPress website for Scotia NY-based Joe Mulone Photography. Joe Mulone is a very nice guy and, perhaps more importantly, he takes great phototgraphs: portraits, construction photography, food and advertising shots, and more.

Now to the website. Joe’s plight was common of many of our clients. He had some knowledge of WordPress and so was able to make some changes, but they really didn’t turn out the way he wanted, and the site was becoming outdated. He summed it up well, indicating that he could learn it (WordPress is really not so challenging, especially for simple content updates.), but it took time, and he’d rather be spending that time on his business. We carried out a few central fixes. First, we improved the photo galleries allowing people to see more of his work, in a more attractive presentation. We were able to deploy a gallery plugin (a WordPress software module that permits additional functionality) that really does a nice job showing off some great representative photography. Importantly, it permits the site to load quickly even though it’s photo intensive. Slow sites drive visitors away.

Second, we changed the theme (giving the site its look and feel) to one that was natively responsive. A responsive website responds to screens of different sizes – crucial for the increasing number of mobile browsing sessions. (How often do you sit on you couch and browse the Internet on your smartphone? Even though you’re quite stationary, you’re considered a mobile browser.) For local businesses in particular, having a mobile-ready site is mission critical.

Third, we deployed some on-site search engine optimization (SEO) strategies so that more visitors can find his site. On the web, if you build it they will come. But only if they can find it. And the “they” for many are potential local customers.

Speaking of local, we are helping Joe off site, too, making sure his business appears correctly in local business directories. Want a tip? Check out Moz Local to see how your business is listed online.

We are happy (and Joe is, too) with how his new Joe Mulone Photography website is looking. If you are looking for a local photographer with a lot of experience and his own studio, please check out Joe.

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