Your website should have Calls to Action (CTA)

Jun 2, 2014 | Blog, Marketing, Website design

Get More Business Today! No really, I mean it.
with Effective Calls to Action (CTAs)

How often does an email headline scream at you about generating more business? If your inbox is like mine, the answer is, to put it gently, “often”.

There are a lot of ways to generate business. Today’s example is a simple one, and it actually works. It’s part psychology, part website design.

Here’s what we mean. First the design part. Your website should be replete with calls to action. A call to action, or CTA, is an overt suggestion to your website visitor that they do something when they are at your website. There are a lot of actions you might want a visitor to take. Here are a few:

  • Call you for a free quote
  • Send you an email to inquire about specific services
  • Sign up for your email newsletter
  • Purchase a product
  • Refer a friend

The list goes on, and is dependent on what your business is and what you offer to the public. It may depend on the time of year, or where the visitor comes from or what language they browse in. Or whether they are visiting on a desktop computer or from a mobile device. Or they are a repeat visitor. Most of these factors, and others that may be of relevance to your business, can be automatically determined by your website.

Now the psychology part. That’s where you come in. Think about your customer. What do they need to take that extra step of taking an action? Do they need a little nudge? Do they need a big push? Do you lead them down a path before making the CTA so they can’t help but take the action, or do you call for it right away? You should know your clients and customers best. And it may be that you need to take different approaches towards different customers.

But make the call to action. Don’t think that a visitor to your website will automatically give you a call or write or buy something just because you have great content. Guide them to it with urgings, subtle or not so subtle.

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Image source: National Archives in Flickr Commons.

What’s the most effective CTA you’ve seen? Leave a comment below.

Do you need help creating effective CTAs for your website? Contact us today about our affordable Internet marketing services.

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