Internet marketing speaking engagements on the horizon

We like to get out in front of people and preach the high holy gospel of Internet marketing. We are informative and entertaining. Just ask this happy fiddler who attended our last event!

Well, OK, it’s more like basic training, for those who know little or some about the subject, but have an itch to figure out how to put the Internet to work for them to grow their business or make their work more productive. And it still is entertaining.

Upcoming events include:

We hope to see you at one or more of them!

We also would be delighted to discuss providing an online training for your group. Relevant topics can include those above or others, such as social media, search engine optimization, Google Plus techniques and much more. Just ask and we’ll let you know if we can do it. And we probably can.

Photo credit: The Merry Fiddler, Gerard van Honthorst, 1623 from the Rijks Museum

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