How to Put Your Blog Post on Facebook | 9 simple steps

Jan 13, 2014 | Blog, Blogging, Social Media

This post assumes that you would prefer not to publish your website posts to Facebook automatically. If you want to get your blog posts on Facebook automatically (which is not a bad time-saving idea), you may wish to explore plugins like Jetpack (publicize function) or wp-autosharepost, or services like IFTTT or Hootsuite. Maybe we’ll explore that in another blog post.

Again, assuming you don’t want to do this automatically, here are —

Simple steps to update your Facebook status with your latest blog content:

Note that will work for personal as well as business Facebook pages.

  1. Publish the blog post on your website.
  2. Visit the post. In this instance,
  3. Copy the URL (here,
  4. Go to Facebook.
  5. Go to Status Bar.
  6. Type in teaser information about the post (why people might like to read it). Don’t use more than about 160 characters. Copy the URL after the teaser.
  7. FB should pull the featured or first image from the post. You may be able to select from multiple images with the little arrows.
  8. If you want this to go to the general public, and normally post to just friends, make sure you tweak the “who can see this” button to the left of the Share or Post button.
  9. Click on the “Post” button. Your Facebook status has now been updated with your latest blog post.

Some blogging and Facebook lessons and takeaways:

  1. You may not want to auto-post to Facebook if you’d prefer the opportunity to draft a unique teaser on the Facebook status bar.
  2. It’s a very good idea to put links to your website on your Facebook page, as this can generate more traffic to your website and more search engine love. Adding content to your Facebook page draws more people to your Facebook page.
  3. By sharing on Facebook, others may share the link as well, sending more people to your website.
  4. It may be a good idea to share a posting on a business page on your personal page.

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