GoatCloud Presenting at NYS Divorce Mediation Conference

We could not be more delighted to be presenting on online presence basics  at the 30th Annual Conference of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation, entitled “Mediating ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place'”. The conference takes place May 2-4, 2013, in Saratoga Springs.

If you know divorce mediators, you know that they will have a lot of insightful questions.

Summary of the presentation follows:

SEO. Social media. Online advertising. Local search. Cloud computing. Does all this make you want to yell, “Help!”?

Well help is here. This informative, entertaining presentation will enable you to tackle the online world as a “do-it-yourself-er”, or to know what questions to ask a potential vendor. We will cover:

Internet marketing basics and why they are essential in developing and growing a small business.
How the web may be worldwide, but your business is local, especially online.
How mobile devices impact your online assets.
We will also identify low- or no-cost reliable online services that will help you to enhance your online profile and to make your business run more efficiently.

If you are a divorce mediator, or thinking about becoming one, then you definitely should attend this conference. The substance is terrific.


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