Split the monitor screen in two in Windows 7 or 8 or 10

Nov 2, 2012 | Blog, Tech tips

Easy Way to Get Two Windows Open on the Same Screen

Do you have only one computer monitor on a Windows 7 or Windows 8  or Windows 10 system and want to split the screen into two halves? Do you envy those with dual monitors who can be working in two programs at once?

Below is a quick video demonstration on how you can split your monitor into two equal halves, and work on two programs running next to each other, or just have two windows of the same program open next to each other (useful for cutting and pasting between documents).

If you’d rather not watch the video below, we’ll put into words how to do this:

  • Let’s assume you have two open windows on your computer, but one is behind the other. Let’s say each window is a  different running program, maybe email on the one hand and word processing on the other.
  • Take your cursor to the center (or so) of the topmost part of the open window on your screen.


  • Depress the left mouse button and “grab” the window.
  • Keep the mouse button depressed and drag the window all the way over to the RIGHT of your screen. It will automatically resize to take up the RIGHT half of your screen.
  • Now you should be able to see the other open window, behind the half window that’s to the right.
  • Take your cursor to the center (or so) of the topmost part of that open window.
  • Depress the left mouse button to “grab” that window.
  • Keep the mouse button depressed and drag the window all the way over to the LEFT of your screen. It will automatically resize to take up the LEFT half of your screen.
  • Voila! Can you copy and paste between the two? You bet!
  • If you are feeling really crazy, you can of course start with the left half first. Not recommended for the faint of heart, however.

If you think that written tutorial was fun (or if it did not make sense to you), watch the video. In either case, have fun splitting your screen!

Video Tutorial: How to Split your PC Monitor into Two Equal Windows

Why do you split the monitor into two halves? Do you have a better way to do this? Leave a comment!

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