Online presence training in Niskayuna October 9

Sep 4, 2012 | Blog, Events, Expert-Speaker, Services

One of the things we like to do is to train people how to maximize their use and understanding of the Internet to increase business and make business operations more efficient.

We have a training scheduled for October 9 at Niskayuna High School through the town’s continuing education program. You really can’t beat the price. In this instance you’ll get more than what you paid for, guaranteed.

Here’s a blurb for our training session:

Marketing in the Cloud: Maximizing the Internet to Grow your Business

Tuesday, October 9 6:30-8pm
Niskayuna High School, Rm C257
Fee: $10 (Town residents) / Seniors: $5

As a consequence of this presentation, participants will come to understand Internet marketing basics and why they are essential to develop and grow a business or promote a non-profit of any size. Participants will learn techniques to enhance their online presence as a means of increasing marketing opportunities and generating business. The presenter will identify free or nominal cost reliable online services to enhance one’s online profile. The presentation will enable participants to “do it themselves” or to know what questions to ask a potential vendor.

Relevant links:

Here’s the time left till the world’s most informative and amazing online presence training in Niskayuna:

[ujicountdown id=”Ultra Small Countdown left” expire=”2012/10/09 18:00″]

Time is short. Sign up now!

Hope to see you there!

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